Friday, December 6, 2013

A Happy Wish or Two


  1. Happy PFF for you too! Christmas still seems far away for us in the Netherlands. Just last night was Saint Nicholas' Eve, our chief occasion for gift-giving during the Christmas season. The evening is called sinterklaasavond or pakjesavond (presents evening), and in the Netherlands, most children receive their presents on this evening. So now we have to prepare for Christmas.

  2. Oh, my goodness! How beautiful. I was reading Paul's description of Saint Nicholas' Eve. What a fun celebration! I hadn't heard of it until just now.

    Your Christmas postcard is just so colorful and lovely. I adore postcards depicting Christmas celebrations from the past.

    Have a lovely rest of the day, and happy PFF!

  3. Wonderful card. Love the vintage look and all the great color. Happy PFF!
