Friday, January 24, 2014


Today we are having a temporary reprieve from the extreme cold we have had for most of January. More extreme temperatures are expected by next Monday, however. 

The postcard above has a wind chill factor chart showing how cold the temperature feels at various combinations of actual temperature and wind speed. The National Weather Service has more information about wind chill along with a downloadable chart and brochure here.

The next postcard probably needs some explanation for those not familiar with cold weather. It is kind of a joke that a tongue will freeze and stick to a metal post when the temperature is below zero, but it can actually happen. At "forty below it just doesn't matter" whether the temperature scale is Fahrenheit or Celsius because at that point both are the same number. For conversions between Fahrenheit and Celsius at other points, see the chart here.


  1. Aww!!! I'll freeze if I ever visit your place!

    We're just at around 20 deg Celsius in Manila and I'm already getting the cough and colds :(

    Stay warm Postcardy!

  2. Oh, my goodness ... perfect for the Polar Vortex and its friends! Happy Minnesnowta! Happy PFF.

  3. Good grief! I'm glad you folks have the freezing weather, as I think my old house pipes would not survive such temperatures. We'd have one big geyser in the walls! Anyhow--I do envy your snow. Oregon hasn't had a decent snow in years. At least not here in Independence. I call it the Independence Vortex. One of these days it will snow--but alas, I will either be on the road, or will have moved away! lol

    LOVE the postcards and the video. That was just darling. (grin)

  4. Stay warm Postcardy, I remember pipes freezing in cold weather when I was a child in the south. How do you keep your water running? I have been away from the cold weather for so long that I had forgotten all about that problem. It must still happen in rural areas.

    1. Pipes are more insulated here than they are in the South. Still, I was told when we had the super cold weather a couple of weeks ago to keep the hot water in my bathtub dripping instead of completely turned off.

  5. Excellent cards and they truly represent our recent weather as well. I posted a similar metal and tongue post card in December.

    I have started a new feature on my postcard blog and am hoping that you will drop by. here's the link to the details.
