Friday, February 21, 2014

Suits, Hats, and Poodles

Above is a postcard advertising "Palm Beach" suits. This is probably from the late 1950s. I like the fashion picture on this card, and I especially like the black standard poodle. My family had a black standard poodle that we got as a tiny puppy in early 1957, and that is still my favorite kind of dog.

Here is the advertising from the back of the postcard:

Palm Beach was both a style and a lightweight fabric woven by Goodall-Sanford, Inc. that was described on this postcard as "mohair, rayon, acetate and 5% nylon, in most styles." The men are wearing straw hats that were popular in warm weather.

Below is a photo of my mother with our poodle Beau. I think this was probably taken in spring 1958. My mother is wearing a corsage which she sometimes wore on Easter and/or Mother's Day.

The next photo is of me in spring 1957. This was taken when Beau was still a puppy and had not had his first poodle style haircut.

Here is a drawing of Beau just before his first haircut. The drawing was made by the owner of Beau's father, who also gave Beau his haircut.

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  1. Beau lives up to his name -- a handsome fellow!

  2. Looking at the price of those suits, I really can't believe my eyes!

  3. The prices of things back in the 50s & 60s seem so ridiculously low to us now. But salaries were equally low back then. I only paid $93.50 a month for a large 1 bdrm apt. & could go to the store with a dollar & come home with a lb of hamburger, a quart of milk, & a loaf of bread & still have change left over. Then again, I only made $275. a month as an insurance examiner. I'm a cat person, really, but Beau is pretty cute!

    1. I am a cat person now. I remember trying to get $5 worth of groceries in order to get the extra S&H Green Stamps that you could get for buying more than $5 worth.

  4. Oh, wow! I LOVE this post! The postcard, the pup, your pictures...just lovely.

    My husband one had a plaid suit...he wore it to church for the first time--and a friend of his walked up. Said my husband, "What do you think of my suit? I got it on sale." Said his friend, "Hmmm...reminds me. I have to put up the awnings before it gets too warm outside." True story! LOL

  5. Lovely postcard. People were so much better dressed back then.

  6. I love the well behaved and not a paw print anywhere!

  7. I love standard poodles - handsome dogs. Like you, I've become a cat person in recent years.

  8. I\d like to see what the woman's suit looks like, she should have been standing upright. Nice card.

  9. Neau needs a hat and he is ready to show off. Great post card as you always have.

  10. I meant Beau and he is so well groomed that he has no need of suit nor tie nor vest.

  11. Great post on the theme especially with the supporting photos and sketch. But I have a question. With all that dog hair going to waste, why hasn't someone invented a clothing fabric that is part poodle?

    1. Why not poodle fabrid.. You can get possum socks from New Zealand which are half possum furm half wool.

  12. I love the formal dressing in the postcard. I wish there was more of it nowadays on a more frequent basis.

  13. I am doing a series on dogs for this year's A-Z Challenge but haven't got a photo of a poodle yet. Everyone here seems to favour the labradoodle instead. I can't think why. Hats and suits and a dog what more could we want.

  14. Great photographs, especially the one of you and Beau. Over the years we have had three cocker spaniels, with the first pen called Beauty. Sometimes we did go a while before getting them clipped - they looked so different afterwards.

    1. We had a cocker spaniel when I was a baby. I didn't know that they had to be clipped.

  15. What an enjoyable post, with picture perfect photos. The shaggy dog reminds me much of my Cocker-Spaniel right now which is in a great need of a haircut!

  16. I love the drawing of Beau. And yes, money went further in those days but we had less of it.

  17. Hats, dogs and postcards all in one post - three of my very favourite things.

  18. Well I have to agree a poodle is the perfect dog for the well-suited about town. My poodle was apricot but as a girl I used to walk two black ones - very smart.

  19. Interesting post. From post card to poodle sketch, nice transition. The sketch is very fine.

  20. I really like the smart suits the lady in the card, and your mom are wearing. Maybe it's time for these to be updated for today.

  21. Beau looks like a babe!

    And I so wish I knew what your mother was thinking when caught in this pose.

    1. The only thing I could think of was that she was smelling the corsage or spring air.

  22. Quite the stylish selection here.
    Your mom's expression intrigues me...

  23. Love the post. Especially the picture of You and Beau. I can't tell if he is coming or going. I like Cats but am still a Dog person.
    Did a little clipping today myself. Summer is coming and Pebbles needed a new hair-do.
