Friday, February 7, 2014

Warm Fireside Greetings

This writing reminder postcard is part of a fireside series by an unidentified publisher: "No. 621--Fireside--11 Des."

I get a nice warm feeling just looking at this picture. It sure would be nice to have a cozy fireside corner like this on a cold day like today. Luckily I have an electric heater to help me stay warm when the heating system can't quite keep the temperature warm enough for me.


  1. It is cold, isn't it? This is the first time I've been able to say that all winter long. My husband and I shall be cozily sitting by the fire this morning, as it is only 20 outside and we actually have about four inches of snow, with more to come later this afternoon. (grin) Thank you so much for this postcard...I have the same warm feeling when I see this postcard. Have a lovely Friday, and Happy Postcard Friendship Friday! lol Leeeet it snow, let it snow, let it snoooooewoh!

  2. Lovely! Wonderful fire, snail mail and all those books. Add a cup of tea and a cat and it would be perfect! Happy PFF!

  3. That is quite a big fire!
    (I worry about Beth's enthusiasm for this snow... it is 1ºF but feels like -15ºF or -26ºC and we had a further 11" or 30cm fall yesterday with more to come this weekend.)

  4. Hi there, I wish I could send you some of our warm weather. It is so nice here in South Florida right now. 75* now and went to 80* earlier today. Sending warm thoughts to all of you in the cold.

  5. sitting in front of a roaring fire is very appealing today. It's a might nip chilly here as well, -18C this morning and a bit colder tonight.

  6. I confess to having started to collect postcards that show people writing, or sending postcards... thanks for sharing, it's a great card - Guy

  7. That does look lovely and warm. It isn't really so very cold here but the storms of wind and rain make you feel almost as bad. Right now I'm half expecting the windows to cave in and they say there is no end in sight.
