Friday, March 21, 2014

Crabtree & Evelyn

Crabtree & Evelyn is a company selling fragrances and bath/body products. This postcard is ©1983. I got the postcard about that time at a Crabtree & Evelyn shop inside an indoor marketplace. I remember the shop storefront as looking similar to the one on the postcard. The vintage look is what attracted me to the shop. Judging from the Crabtree & Evelyn website and their videos, the company is no longer using vintage imagery.


  1. It does look very like how I remember the shop near Windsor Castle though it's a good few years since I was there.

  2. And, I don't think I've ever seen a man managing things on the shop floor!

  3. Wow! That is amazing. I love this post. The comparison is just amazing. Thank you so much for posting this. lol VioletSky--you made me laugh with your comment. LOL
