Saturday, March 15, 2014

French Philatelic Program & Europa Stamps 2013

Above is a postcard I received from a French Postcrossing member. It is an oversize postcard showing the stamps in the French philatelic program from July to December 2013. The first column on the left includes the French Europa stamps featuring postal vehicles that were issued on may 21. The stamps shown for October 14 were issued for La FĂȘte du Timbre (Stamp Day). One of them has an image of a Marianne stamp on the left and balloons on the right to go with the theme "air."

The back of the postcard has preprinted postage and a special postmark. Le Carré d'Encre (Square Ink) is a shop selling French stamps and philatelic souvenirs.

The same Postcrossing member sent me two other postcards on the same day. These had the French 2013 Europa stamps with the theme of postal vehicles and two other special postmarks.

Below is an image of the Europa stamps I found on the internet (source).

This is a post for Sunday Stamps at Viridian's Postcard Blog


  1. They offered quite a collection of stamps in a years time. All appear colorful and attractive.

  2. This postcard is a good useful idea. I have realised that I have received some of 2013 French stamps so far... :)

  3. How interesting to see part of the year's stamps like that, love it. I now know which shop I'll be heading to next time in Paris!

  4. Marianne on the Stamp Day issue is one of the best designs I've seen. I wonder who chose her for Francois Hollande.

    1. I thing (young) people could vote in order to choose this controversial Marianne.
      I wrote a bit about that here:

  5. What a great idea, to issue a postcard like this. And it's only half the year! There appears to be some wonderful stamps issued by the French.
    Thank you for participating!

  6. those French stamps are really quite interesting! i also love the special postmarks!

  7. I like the idea of a postcard showing all the issues, too bad GB doesn't do that.

  8. I, too, really like the new Marianne but I know it's been quite controversial in some respects.

  9. Such a great theme. And I love the suitable cancellation stamps, too!

  10. I like the early postal vehicle stamp which is a good reminder of how we’ve come on with postal services.
