Saturday, April 5, 2014

Lilies of the Valley

This is a recent Russian postcard with a creative view of a 1973 Soviet Lily of the Valley stamp. The title on the back of the postcard is "Lily of the Valley in May." Lilies of the Valley bloom in the Spring, and I am more than ready for Spring. I love their smell and wish they would bloom for a longer time.

The words at the top of the stamp "лекарственные растения" mean "medicinal plant," and this stamp is part of a series of medicinal plant stamps (large scans of the stamps are shown here). I never knew that Lilies of the Valley were medicinal plants. You can read about their medicinal use here. Lilies of the Valley are also poisonous. The flowers, fruit, and leaves of the lily of the valley plant are poisonous when eaten. There is a long list of symptoms here.

This is a post for Sunday Stamps at Viridian's Postcard Blog


  1. I, too, love lily of the valley and look forward to them every spring. I even spend a fortune buying Yardley's Lily of the Valley talcum powder and soaps just for the scent.

  2. I never knew lily of the valley was poisonous.

  3. Lovely flowers, how interesting that they produce something like a weaker digitalis.

  4. It is pretty, the Lily of the Valley soap is nice too :)

  5. I like this postcards about stamps... Something Escherian about them. I have also enjoyed the rest of Russian stamps on the link you posted. I have spent there a lot of time!

  6. Interesting story about the Lily of the Valley.

  7. I love Lily of the Valley and their scent too. Good thing I've never tried to eat them!
    Thank you for participating this week.
