Friday, May 23, 2014

Mr. and/or Mrs. Kaatskill

Meet Mr. and Mrs. Kaatskill from the Catskill Mountains of New York state. They sure look like the same cat to me. There are many similar looking cats, but not with the same distinctive leg markings.

I was surprised to see the "Mr." mate to my "Mrs." on 9teen87's Postcards blog a few days ago here. The handwriting and date ( 7-18-06) on the bottom of both cards looks the same. Her postcard says "Show this to Frisky." and mine says "This looks like Fluffy."

The cat on the postcards also looks like my late cat Tasha. Tasha, however, refused to wear a hat. The picture below shows her response to my attempt to photograph her wearing a Mrs. Santa pet hat. I put the hat on her head with a strap under her chin, but it didn't stay on her head long. I had to settle for photographing her with her paw on the hat.


  1. Tasha looks satisfied to know she won the hat battle :D
    Thanks for posting the Kaatskill postcards! Mine was sent to Maplewood, Jew Jersey.

  2. Are these your personal collection, or are these ones you have for sale?

    1. Do you want to swap Mr. Catskill cards? I think the two cards need to be together, and since you have one of each....
      Only if you want to though. send me an e-mail at:

    2. I want to keep my Mrs. Kaatskill. I bought mine from the Millards--did you?

    3. I don't remember who I bought him from.
      I was offering for you to keep the two in the set. You keep your Mrs card and I will send you my Mr. card to match. But that is ok, no worries. I will keep mine. Thanks for posting yours, they are fun postcards for sure!

  3. Those are some cool kitty cats!! Have a great weekend!

  4. It always amazes me that people manage to dress cats up at all. I don't think even a collar would stay on mine.

  5. As usual, you can never go wrong with a dressed up cat postcard :)
    Love the photo of Tasha!

  6. Oh, your Tasha was a lovely girl and those postcards are a hoot! Not much changes--people are still dotty about their pets--especially cats! Hahahaaa...Thank you for posting. (grin) Happy Postcard Friendship Friday!
