Saturday, May 17, 2014

USSR Stamps

This postcard shows a collage of USSR stamps on several topics and from several series. The top layer of stamps shows airplanes from several similar series from 1976, 1977, and 1978. Below those are four samovar stamps from 1989 and a couple of lighthouses from 1982. Below those are some ship stamps. There are naval ships from 1982 and ice breakers from some 1970s series.

This is a post for Sunday Stamps at Viridian's Postcard Blog


  1. The 'badge' design of the aircraft stamps are very striking. The varying blues make for a great card.

  2. Airplanes, tea and lighthouses are three of my favourite themes. Wonderful postcard!

    1. I immediately thought of you! And they're favourites of mine, too!

      It's a nice compilation., Thank you for sharing, Postcardy!

  3. A great card, now where can I find the stamps. Especially like the lighthouses.

  4. I have one of those airplane stamps, and showed it for a Sunday Stamps theme, ages ago! Yes ebay is a place to go shopping (be a careful shopper).
    thank you for sharing another postcard!

  5. I used to have a thing for samovars when I was younger - no idea where it came from. I want to dig around those stamps and separate them to see them better!

  6. these collages of stamps are always interesting to inspect...I like it how there is a predominant shade of blue on this one

  7. wow! those are a lot!!!! the collage could turn into a beautiful postcard too. :)

    Willa @ Postage Journal

  8. Quite an odd mix, samovars and aeroplanes, but I suppose they were going for colour coordination rather than subject matter.
