Friday, November 28, 2014

Beautiful Aquatennial Parade

This postcard doesn't identify the year of the float in the description on the back. through the internet, I was able to discover that it is the 1957 Dayton's department store prize winning float. If you look closely, you can see the Dayton's name on the front of the float near the bottom right of the postcard.

Dayton's was the leading department store in Minneapolis for many years. The Dayton's building is still in downtown Minneapolis, and it is still a department store. But now it is a Macy's and the only department store in downtown Minneapolis. I'm not sure it should even be called a department store, because it is missing many of the "departments" formerly found in department stores.

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  1. Lovely. Minnesota does know how to put on a great show!

  2. Oh yeah, and the name Dayton's in their signature style! Classy.

  3. Wonderful display of colour and movement!

  4. Great floats, so glad the parade was established, then a post card made...I've never been to Minneapolis, but I hear it's very pretty.

  5. Life is one big parade on Sepia Saturday this week. Such a lot of work goes into making those floats.

  6. How many years is an Aquatennial?
    And did Minneapolis do a Frozentennial holiday parade this week?

  7. Your collection must be magnificent. You seem to have a postcard for everything!

  8. A great tie-in to the SS prompt, with a float from a department store, like Grace Bros was.

  9. I didn't know Macy's was still downtown, thought everything was at the Mall of America... wonder about why the word Aquatennial ...colorful float and history of Dayton's.. didn't it become Marshall Fields and then Macy's?

  10. Beautiful card and beautiful float! Macy's has bought out so many of the old department stores. They bought Burdines here in Florida which was a long time institution. I still miss it.

  11. What a beautiful, colorful float. Hope the rest were as striking.

  12. You're right -- they don't make department stores like they used to. As a kid I thought it was a really special treat to have lunch in the "Tea Room" of one of our stores. Today people probably would say, "What's a tea room?"
