Saturday, December 13, 2014

Christmas Through the Eyes of a Child

Here is a set of five PHQ cards showing the 1981 British Christmas stamps issued on 18 November 1981. The stamps reproduced art by children of various ages that was entered in a Blue Peter competition. The competition received 74,000 entries (source).

Father Christmas

A Mosaic Collage of Christ

A Christmas Angel

The Journey of Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem

The Three Kings Outside Bethlehem

image source

This is a post for Sunday Stamps at Viridian's Postcard Blog


  1. I'll be showing the set of stamps next week to complement your PHQ cards.

  2. I like these stamps drawn by children. I would like a competition like that in my country (I mean Spain, because in Morocco most people don't celebrate Christmas, obviously). I'm not sure, but I think I have received the blue one.

    Art by children is usually excluded of "art", so I love your choice!

  3. I've been sending out these cards this week! The 14p and the 22p pictures are incredibly good, and they're all better than this adult could produce.

  4. A great entry for today's theme. thank you for participating.

  5. They are lovely stamps, Blue Peter used to be very good at encouraging art and creativity.

  6. I remember the first two (possibly because they were for 1st and 2nd class postage) but not the rest of the set. Love those wise men pointing.

  7. Such a cheerful, beautiful and interesting collection, thank you for sharing!
    It is clear to me that children are artists, too! And/or, with the words of Picasso: children still are artists (my all-time-favourite quote by Picasso is: "Everyone is born an artist. The problem is to maintain, once grown up.
