Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year Calendar Postcards

December 31, 1907
May this year bring joy & good Health.

December 31, 1908
Viel Glück im neuen Jahre.
(Good luck in the new Years)

July 11, 1910
I always try to write postals to the sick people so suppose you are sick now. I have just written a long letter to Mrs Brown and another to Aunt Sarah.

Calendar postcards were one of the types of postcards sent as New Year greetings during the postcard craze of the early twentieth century. Postcard calendars like these are nearly all from the years 1908, 1909, and 1910.

The 1908 and 1909 cards above were sent at an appropriate time with an appropriate message. The 1910 postcard, however, was sent in July with a rather odd message. I think I would find this one insulting. I wonder what the sender's intention was...

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  1. Happy New Year, Postcardy! These calendar postcards are wonderful! I especially like the first one, with the elegant woman. The one sent in July does have a rather odd message; the writer 'sounds' resentful.

  2. Great New Year's postcards. You're right about the one for 1910. It is strange? I wonder if the writer was miffed because the recipient hadn't written in a while & was attempting to hint they should write - especially when the following remarks mention the writer sending long letters to others?

  3. Let's hope the writer of the 1910 card just had a dry sense of humor and was making a joke. I enjoyed this bit of postcard history.

  4. They are wonderful postcards. I don't think I have ever seen anything like it before. In today's light I would have to take off my glasses to read them.

  5. I suppose the ladies on those cards were thought to be quite raunchy in their time. Wonder what they would think of some of today's cards?

    1. I didn't take them to be at all raunchy, rather the opposite.

  6. I've read at least a thousand postcards from those early years (did a book on them called "Father is here...he's as fat as a pig," which was one of the messages)! I think the 1910 one was really funny! Happy New Year, regardless!

  7. Im not a postcard collector but sift through them now and again look for photos or old postcards with writing on the back. Havent seen any with Calendars on them, they are quite lovely! I like the last one the best.

  8. Wonderful cards that must have seemed like a useful gift to send to some people. I like LaNightingail's idea for the last card, a pointed rebuke for not writing. Why do you think these calendar postcards went out of fashion? And Viel Glück to you as well!

  9. What a good idea calendar postcards are - long overdue a revival. I just think I might get some ready for 2016. Happy New Year to you and yours.

  10. Great postcards! My favorite is the 1909 one - the roses and vines are so pretty. The calendar is a great idea too - might be an idea for a replacement to a christmas card.. instead send a new year's postcard with a calendar.

  11. The artists went to a lot of trouble but the results are beautiful.
