Friday, October 30, 2015

See Your Future Husband in a Mirror on Halloween

An unusual old Halloween custom involved taking a candle and looking into a mirror to see your future husband's face. This postcard is one of a series illustrating that tradition. This card appears to show the culmination of the ritual, when the couple has met and kissed.

Listen, Little One!
On Halloween take a candle
and look into a mirror, then
over your shoulder you'll see
your future hubby's face –of course this
affair must be prearranged to be successful for the Witches are
busy and can't tend to every body

When I searched for information about this Halloween custom and the expression "O. U. Kid." I found a blog with several posts displaying postcards and discussing these subjects. Instead of repeating the information, I will give you the links to those posts. There are many more postcards there and the posts are well worth reading.

Vintage Halloween Postcard: Look In The Glass

Vintage Halloween Postcard: Your True Love’s Face

Vintage Halloween Postcard: The Candles Gleam

Halloween Reflections

Oh, You Kid

To See More Vintage Images


  1. I see the caveat: IF he knows his cue. Always a loophole!

  2. Halloween hadn't traditionally been a big deal here in Australia, and up until this Sepia Saturday week I had never heard of this association between Halloween, mirrors and future husbands. Interesting!

  3. I didn't know about this either so found it very interesting.

  4. Fascinating! This is a new one for me too. I wonder if the postcard on my blog post this weekend is related to it.
    It seems partly driven by the postcard/greeting card companies taking advantage of old superstitions to sell more stuff.

  5. This is exactly why I know I've been missing out when I do months without participating. I learn something old. Thanks for the links.

  6. That's a tradition that is entirely new to me. Seems to have been going for a long time too.

  7. I hadn't heard of the candle & mirror Halloween tradition either, but were I still young and single, I might give it a try! I also intend to give the links you suggest a try as well, just as soon as I finish looking at all the rest of today's posts.

  8. I have several of these old postcards. The tradition is one which originated in the late 1800's, if I recollect right. I love this postcard--perfect for the holiday. Have a lovely weekend.

  9. Your postcard perfectly matches the theme. Thanks for the links.

  10. I never heard of this candle/mirror/lover thing...would it work for ex-husbands, too?

  11. A spot on match with this week's prompt and thank you for the informative links.

  12. I knew about the tradition, but the saying is a new one to me.
