Friday, October 16, 2015

Stair Step Children

The real photo postcard above has no identifying information. I bought it because it is a classic example of a portrait of stair step children. The term stair step children sometimes refers to children of a family who are spaced closely in age. Its meaning is more obvious when the children are spaced fairly evenly, but farther apart. When the children are lined up standing from youngest to oldest, or shortest to tallest, they resemble stair steps

Below is a family portrait I found on the Internet. It was posted on a Polish blog here, along with some other old pictures of children. There are seven steps here--five children and two parents.

To See More Vintage Images


  1. That’s a new one for me and I’ll be looking out for exmples from now on. It makes perfect sense really.

  2. Lovely! Tre were 2-2.5 years between each of our four, but I don't think we ever thought of intentionally lining them up in order for a 'step stair' photo like these.

  3. I had four younger siblings but we were never lined up like this. I'll have to go through our old albums to see if I can find some examples.

  4. I have one stair step of my distant cousin, her husband and her children lined up with horns.

  5. This was an interesting take on the prompt. My sisters and I, when we reached our adult heights, were within an inch of each other. Youngest sis was 5'5". Middle: 5'5 1/2", and I was 5'6". We all thought that was neat. But I ruined it all when, sometime after my 19th birthday, I grew another inch! Unusual, but it happens. My daughters went on to an inch and two beyond me, but now I'm shrinking - back down to 5'6 1/2". Such are the dirty tricks of age!

  6. Wow, they are in perfect downward steps!

  7. They are a very attractive quartet. I have a few photos like this but never knew there was a common name for the style.

  8. This is really neat, love the effect!!!

  9. I am drawn to stair steps as well. Unfortunately in my family, many kids were born too far apart to generate a proper stair step photo.

  10. Now there's a good category. Stair step portraits.
