Thursday, December 17, 2015

Joy and Happiness

The printed greeting on the front of this postcard is Radostné vánoce, which is Merry Christmas in the Czech language. The back is covered with writing in Czech. The message begins with Radostné a štástné, which translates as Joy and happiness or Joyful and happy. The rest of the message is too hard for me to read, but I recognized the date 1949 preceded by v novém Roce (in the New Year).

I especially like this postcard because the doll reminds me of one of my first dolls which was very similar. My doll was named Mabel. I am now guessing that my mother chose that name. I Googled "doll named Mabel" and discovered that there were dolls named Mabel when my mother was young. The card also reminds me of my family's Christmas ornaments, some of which were made in Czechoslovakia.

Wishing You a Merry Christmas & Joy and Happiness in the New Year

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  1. And a very Merry Christmas to you, too! :) The first doll I really remember was somewhat similar to the one on your postcard, but I named her Joy. I don't really know why I named her that, however? I kind of wish I did know, but - oh well. It was a good name.

  2. Perfect postcard for the prompt. My first doll was a little similar although smaller, and was named Kay.

  3. Very nice card with subtle colours and charming subject.

  4. The little doll and the little girl are holding the same pose, except that the doll is looking at us and the little girl is looking at the tree.

  5. Lovely card, lovely memory and so apt for the Christmas prompt. I was very fond of my dolls, too, and remember ones I got as presents at Christmas.

  6. Indeed this was a perfect card to match the Christmas theme.
    May you have a joyful new year too.

  7. Great card! Amazing how many of us had dolls like that; I had one, too, but I have to confess that I never liked her!

  8. I love the old Xmas cards; I have made a similar one with my small grand children.
