Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Family Group

There is nothing written on the back of this postcard photo to identify the people or the location. The group of people seems to represent two families, possibly related.

The three boys seem too close in age to all be brothers. My guess is that the one in the center is part of a different family than the other two. He is intermediate in size and is wearing a different type of shirt. The other two boys have fancier shirts with big round Peter Pan collars, and I think they probably belong to the more formally dressed adults who are wearing white shirts.

The people appear to be dressed in their Sunday best. I imagine that this somewhat rundown house is in a rural area, and that the family has gotten together for Sunday dinner. I can see a table with a checked covering through the window on the left. A white cloth and a chair are visible through the window on the right.

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  1. They all look so solemn, but I like the fact that the youngest is turning his head, as if for a reassuring word; I’m guessing he was rebuked instead!

  2. What stories can be told from clues in an anonymous photograph! The mother holding the baby has a faint smile, but, I agree, everyone else looks rather unhappy.

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  4. I wonder what the occasion was that they posed for the photo and who is behind the camera.

  5. It's a wonderfully evocative photo full of potential stories of all kinds. The Sunday dinner is a likely occasion as my family archives has many similar group photos taken on a holiday gathering like Easter or an anniversary. There were usually several arrangements for the camera so there might be another photo of this bunch but with smiles.

  6. Yes it is so important to look at the details in the old photos as they can tell a story of their own!

    For the pram to be out like that, I would say that the mother with the baby is a visitor?

  7. I think perhaps the young mother is a younger sister, visiting her older sister. The two men look similar in age? Doesn't the older woman look a little like a young "Ma Kettle"?

  8. I think the woman without the baby and the man standing next to her could be sister and brother, and she's invited him and his wife and boys over for Sunday dinner.

  9. All the above takes on this photo are certainly possibilities. I think you have the right of it about the boys based, primarily, on how two of them are dressed alike, & the third is attired differently. I like how they were posed stair-step fashion. Too bad the baby was wiggling, but they do do that. :)

  10. You wonder if they were all exasperated at posing for too long. I like your comments on looking through the window and imagining the dinner that might take place.

  11. Well observed; I think it is always a bit sad when one does not even know a name. At a time someone made a photo, like it must have been a special occasion to mark the event. We will never know.
