Thursday, September 24, 2009

PFF - Vintage Standard Oil Ad

Back in the 1950s men and women still wore hats a lot, hardly anyone used seat belts, and booster seats were unheard of. This family looks like they are heading to church or Grandma's house--even in the 1950s they probably wouldn't have dressed up like this for a long road trip.

The Standard logo on this postcard was the logo used from 1946 to 1960. It combined the Standard torch with the Amoco oval. The logo was redesigned in 1960 with a more stylized torch and a flatter oval.


  1. My Grandfather was an engineer at Standard Oil!

  2. It seems their family is big, but mom still very beautiful :)

    Happy PFF!

    You Got A Posty
    All Little Things I Like

  3. Ah yes....those were the days....
    no seatbelts to tie you down.

    Have a beautiful weekend

  4. Wish more families still dressed like that today! They look very happy!

    Great card!

  5. Interesting information. And I love this kind of fifties illustrations. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Great card - it's so much of an era. I can't remember when seat belts came in force in the UK, but I feel it was well into the 60s - those awful non-retracting ones.

  7. Hahahaa...what a wonderful piece!

    Happy PFF!

  8. Well, you're probably right about her posing for the photographer--however, the romantic in me, wonders about the girl behind the picture. (grin)

    Have a GREAT day!

  9. Those were the days. Sunday afternoon rides in the country ... watermelon ... Great card that brings memories! I think families today should take those weekend drives ... or walks! :D

  10. I would always appreciate clean bathrooms on a long car trip! :) Great post!

  11. It seems their family is big, but mom still very beautiful :
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  12. The Standard torch logo was redesigned in July 1960, about six months before the merger between Standard and Amoco when Amoco became "American" in early 1961 with the same redesigned torch logo.
