Wednesday, September 23, 2009

VTT - Babies' Birthdays

The postcard here is signed by Ellen Clapsaddle (a famous postcard artist) and is a second birthday greeting for a member of the "Cradle Roll." Apparently Cradle Rolls usually were registries of babies born to church members, which explains the religious theme of this card. Writing on the back lists a baby's name, parents' names, and a 1927 date.

The greetings cards below are ones I received for my first birthday. The photograph is of me celebrating my first birthday.

The "Birth Certificate" in the leather folder is not an official birth certificate, but a certificate of membership in the "Babies Alumni" that was sent shortly after my first birthday.

Vintage Thingies Thursdays


  1. Love vintage greeting cards. How nice you still have your vintage birthday cards. Cute baby picture!


  2. Loved all tht vintage cards and story behind them.

  3. How lucky you are to have birthday cards from your 1st birthday! They're all so cute, and I love the picture of you with your birthday cake!
    Happy VTT!

  4. I so love vintage graphics! They are extra special when they are actually yours. If I had to pick a favorite it would have to be your birthday card with the little girl and the cow. How sweet!

  5. How fun to still have the birthday cards from your 1st birthday! Loved the picture too!

  6. Very sweet cards and photo. Nice that your birthday cards were kept safe for you to have.

  7. I love your collection of your own 1st birthday cards! and the picture of you and your Mom cutting the cake is priceless.

    Is it your birthday? Happy Birthday, either way!

  8. What a sweet collection and family history. That is an adorable picture of you and your sweet.

    Have a great VTT and a wonderful weekend.

  9. Wow I love your card collection. I think I still have some that my Mom saved too. Love the picture.


  10. How neat! I'll have to go and dig mine out. I know that there are some in my baby book, with a lock of hair :) Thanks for the memories!!

  11. We had cradle rolls at the church I went to as a child. I especially love the picture with your mother.

  12. What lovely treasures you've saved! The look in your eyes at the cake is priceless - thanks so much for sharing!

  13. What a cutie! That is so special that your cards from your first birthday were saved for you!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Living it up at Lakewood,

  14. Love the picture of you, and of course the cards are fabulous!

  15. Postcardy-Do you know anything about copyright of greeting card images, or where I could find out about it?

  16. what a darling card. I recently found a birthday card I received probably early 1950's . My uncle her father wrote her name. I wish I still had the envelope for it then I would know exactly hold old. Thanks for sharing your card. How precious. Some day I will have to post mine. Thank you for sharing.

  17. I meant to write I received from my cousin Bonnie

  18. Your first birthday cards! How very very special and it's all in the fact that your mom saved them. How precious.

    The picture of you and your mom is beautiful, it looks like a movie shot and you both look like stars!

  19. Wow! What a nice collection of cards you have. How special and the photo is priceless! They would look really nice framed! Thanks for sharing.

  20. OK, I'd have to give this award if I could - the birthday cards and your picture... PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!! What a great great post ~ ♥

  21. Love vintage cards! Your 1st birthday
    cards are so cute and so is your birthday picture! :)

  22. Lynne! How WONDERFUL that you still have all of your year 1 birthday wishes!

    I did a little test for the reply back function. I think that we are out of luck! Oh well I'll just email you directly in the future. I saved you address so that it won't accidentally get sent to the spam folder. Happy PFF!

  23. Loved all tht vintage cards and story behind them.
    Make website india
