Thursday, October 8, 2009

PFF - Postal Carrier's Coat Is Sign of Autumn

"Jim, our postal carrier wore his trusty P. Coat today. Indeed over the past many years, he in his coat has become a reliable sign of autumn, in time with the crisp mornings and falling leaves."

This is another postcard from Postmark America, a former USPS retail store at the Mall of America. (I posted
A Little Sack Time showing a postal carrier with a child in his sack last April). This postcard is very appropriate for this week because we suddenly went from a unusually warm September to an unusually cold October. A couple weeks ago I didn't need a coat. Now I am wearing my winter jacket and there is a good chance of snow.


  1. Wow! Snow!! Stay warm and I love the card. Our postal folks will be wearing their shorts for awhile yet!

  2. What a great postal-theme for Marie's Fridays.
    Evelyn in Montreal

  3. Ah, you've beaten me to it! I have my copy of that card you sent me ready for a real autumn feel to the weather, but it's been unseasonally warm! It's a great card.

  4. From here East, everybody seems to be chilled. Wait until this weekend if you think you're cool now!!

    My peacoat was lost with the rest of my seabag when I came home from Southeast Asia. What a shame, since I could have used it today!

  5. well done on matching the theme so perfectly...actually, that postman's jacket is pretty stylish...!!

  6. These are both great.I wonder how many cards there are with mailmen carrying babies?

  7. Wow! Another sign of Fall...who would have thought of looking at the Postman's coat?

    (grin) Here in Oregon our postman wears shorts--even in the dead of winter. It's an Oregonian thing...

  8. ooooh, that postal shop sounds interesting! but i've never been to mall of america!

    snuggle up this fall!

  9. We had a couple of days here when the humidity was low and the weather was wonderfully nice...we're back to lots of sticky weather again. I would love some nice nippy temps here in the South.

  10. SNOW is a four letter word, do not use. We too are expeiriencing the P Coat weather. Great post.

  11. postcardy, boy, do I wish I could visit mall of America! Marie posted a card with a baby in the postman's bag! LOL! I have a PFF up! :)

  12. I put on my trusty wool socks today and am eyeing the fireplace:) This card is a stunner!

  13. It got chilly enough here for a windbreaker for about two days, then in turned into Indian Summer. Depressing.
