Thursday, February 11, 2010

PFF - Little Valentine Mailman

Here's another Whitney valentine postcard. Isn't that little mailman cute? I like the fact that there is snow on the ground and the kids are dressed appropriately for a winter holiday. It seems like most of the outdoor scenes on valentine postcards look like spring, not winter.


  1. oh the little mailman is cute! Perhaps he is smitten with the little girl.

  2. You're right; the setting for valentines is usually spring with flowers etc. Where do those people live? But I have to admit I like them...for example the ones from your previous post. Very cute.

  3. This valentine is truly a sweet one. winter should be the background for Feb. However those postcard makers loved the flowers. Love this one. Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  4. You are absolutely right! I'd never noticed that before. Hmmmm...all those little clad cupids must be freezing and catching cold this year!!! Happy PFF!

  5. Adorable Valentine postcard, postcardy! Thanks for commenting at my PFF post! :)

  6. Oh, that is sweet... it must have been February, she looks very cold!!!

  7. Very sweet. Those were the days, huh?

  8. I love this card .. the mailman and the little girl -- too cute! Happy Valentine Day and Happy PFF!

  9. All these old Valentines bring back memories of Valentines day at school and having to bring one for every kid in the class!

  10. How very nice. Happy Valentine's Day, and Happy PFF

  11. Another cute Whitney postcard. I hadn't run across this one before. Thanks for sharing it.

  12. I was thinking that earlier, that Valentine's cards are nearly always spring-like, when I saw a couple with lilacs. I've never seen lilac in February! Yours mirrors our scene outside, but much prettier.

  13. What a cute darling Valentine's post card. That little post man is adorable

  14. Even in New Hampshire (where the state flower is the purple variety) there are never lilacs in February! Happy PFF!

  15. They certainly have on the right attire for this winter. It's a cold one! Stay warm, have a great Valentine's day and Happy PFF!

  16. Such a cute valentine. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog.
    Happy Valentines Day.

  17. enjoyed this one! and so snowed in rome, italy where i live for the first time since 1986 yesterday! happy PFF!
