Wednesday, February 10, 2010

VTT - Big Red Heart Valentines

Here I have some more Whitney valentine postcards. I think of all the valentine postcards that they made, my favorites are the ones with big red hearts. The first postcard is postmarked 1925. The others are undated but are from the same approximate time.

I have had the Snoopy planter for a long time, and it wasn't new when I got it. I found a picture of the same one on a Peanuts Collectibles website and learned that it is from the mid-1970s. It has a "Made in Japan" label and is 3 inches high and wide. The Peanuts Collectibles website has all sorts of Peanuts items but no postcards. I like Peanuts collectibles but limited myself to a few. There are so many that a collection of them can easily get out of hand.

I'm participating in Vintage Thingie Thursday


  1. I love those old Valentine cards. Today's cards are so "commercial".

  2. You have a really nice collection of vintage Valentine cards. I enjoyed seeing them and bringing back memories.

  3. Such sweet cards! I've been trying to figure out what it is that is so endearing and I think I know. Those pudgy faces and rosy cheeks!

  4. I love the rhymes on those cards. I had a bank just like your planter when I was a kid in the 70s. I'm sure it's still in my parents' house somewhere.

  5. Oh my aunt would love that peanuts planter- she is a Snoopy fanatic! Such cute items!

  6. I love the vintage cards and yours are so sweet. I wonder why they don't make them so nice anymore?? I love the one..the little girl with her puppy. Thank you so much for sharing such treasures with us and Happy VTT..

  7. I just LOVE your Valentine's. They are so sweet!


  8. Your vintage Valentines are adorable. Such vivid colors and sweet sentiments!

  9. vintage valentines are so sweet. I wish the ones in the store were so innocent.

  10. The vintage cards are so much cuter than modern ones!

  11. So sweet. The last valentine brings back memories. I must have that in a collection in one of my chests somewhere. Thanks for reminding me. lol Cherie

  12. These 1920s Valentines are just wonderful! I love '20s graphics, especially children...their outfits and hair styles are adorable.!

    Happy VTT and Valentine's Day!

  13. Love the peanuts vase! Thanks for sharing

  14. What wonderful vintage Valentines. Wish I still had all I received as a kid

  15. Your Valentine postcards are just precious. I love seeing things like this. Great post!

  16. Isn't it fun to see how Valentines reflect the era's in which they were made? I do love the old ones, and wish I had some of the ones from elementary school years. I loved making my valentine boxes. That Snoopy...he's a Sweetheart!

  17. Fun postcards. I love vintage cards...they are so much more interesting and detailed than the newer cards. Love 'em.

  18. I love snoopy and those valentines are beautiful. They don't make them like they used to

    -brightest blessings-

  19. Awww...snoopy is so sweet, along with your valentines...they just don't make them the way they used too, they have lost all the charm....Happy VTT!

  20. What lovely Valentines. Thanks for sharing these gems!

    Blessings, Grace

  21. I love those vintage Valentine's, now to get my hubby to go thrifting to give me one for Valentine's day. :)
    Happy Valentines to you!

  22. I love the little girl card-so sweet. I'm always on the lookout for these kind of cards.

    Tin and sparkle

  23. Thanks for sharing those wonderful Valentine post cards. Happy Valentine's Day! Warm hugs, Esther

  24. Oh, I just love the postcards from the 1920s! Thank you so much for sharing! What an amazing collection.
