Sunday, February 7, 2010

SS - George Diamond Steaks , Chicago

This is a 1956 postcard from the George Diamond restaurant in Chicago. At that time there were three locations listed. The address of the Chicago restaurant was then 512 S. Wabash. Later the restaurant was located in the Dexter Building at 630 S. Wabash. The Dexter Building was a Chicago landmark building designed by Adler and Sullivan. The restaurant had been closed for some time when the building was destroyed by fire in October 2006.

The George Diamond restaurant was popular in the 1950s and 1960s. There was seating for 600. It was carpeted in red and decorated with kitschy velvet paintings. George Diamond died in 1982. In later years the restaurant deteriorated and was known for its seediness. Some 2006 photos of the building before the fire are here.

The restaurant was known both for its steaks and its salad. The salad was a wedge of iceberg lettuce with a special dressing. Here is a salad dressing recipe that I found on the internet:

George Diamond's Salad Dressing

Makes 40 servings.

1 (10-ounce) can condensed tomato soup
1/2 cup white vinegar
2/3 cup vegetable oil*
1/2 cup sugar
1 tablespoon dry mustard*
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 small onion, peeled and grated
1 clove garlic, peeled and halved

Place undiluted soup, vinegar, oil, sugar, mustard, salt, pepper, onion and garlic in a blender or food processor.
Cover and blend or process on high speed until pureed, about 2 minutes.

Serve chilled.

* another version has 1 teaspoon dry mustard and 3/4 cup salad oil


  1. Wow! To both the steaks and the salad dressing!!!!! :D

  2. He was my uncle..nice to see this bit of history...I laughed to see that ashtrays from his various places were being sold on Etsy as vintage memorabilia..
    He also had a restaurant.hotel in palm Springs, where I had the pleasure of wolfing down some pretty amazing steaks..hope his restaurant in Chicago continues that quality....

  3. It was a great steakhouse. Wish I could go there again. Would love to a see it come back. A Chicago favorite former so long.

  4. This is such a great memory....a trip to this restaurant was an annual event as a child. I would love to step back in time to go again as it was then. It was always so great because it was my father's favorite place of all time. And he hated waiting at any restaurant...but it was never a problem here. I remember having to wait as long as two hours...but it was always worth it!
