Thursday, September 16, 2010

PFF - Hartman Furniture and Carpet Company

Hartman Furniture and Carpet Co. was a Chicago company in business during the early 1900's. They used the bride and groom and bird theme and the "feather the nest" slogan on some other advertising postcards also. Even the back of the postcard has bird nest imagery.

The back also has something I didn't notice until I scanned it. Look closely at that heavy blue line under the Post Card heading. The blue line hides the words "NOTHING BUT ADDRESS ON THIS SIDE." That would have been true before messages were allowed on the back and the back was divided into spaces for the address and a message. Divided backs were first allowed on March 1, 1907.

Hartman had a large catalog as well as a number of stores. According to this ad from a 1913 Popular Mechanics magazine, they were the "Largest, oldest and best known home furnishing concern in the world." They were established in 1855 and had 22 stores in 1913.


  1. I just love that postcard back of the feather your nest card. What art!
    Thanks so much for sharing!
    Happy VTT!

  2. Wonderful card, and your post gives an interesting view on the Hartman store. Again, I really enjoyed your post. Happy PFF

  3. I love the "feather your nest" text for a furniture company. Learned a little more about divided backs. Educational Friday!!!!! Wonderful post. Happy PFF

  4. I wonder of they sold feather beds and down comforters?

  5. What a great card - beautiful painting. The wise old owl preacher is spreading the word to the bride and groom birdies as to where to get their furniture! Couldn't be cuter. Carol

  6. Great post; especially the graphics on the back. There's someone in the Twin Cities Postcard Club that collects backs like that. His/her display ALWAYS gets a lot of votes as the backs are sooo unusual and detailed.

    Also, if only the address was to be on the back, why did the postcard have a divided back?

  7. What a fabulous post. The front of the postcard is great, but i think this may be the nicest back I have ever seen (on a postcard anyway.)

  8. This is just darling! An a triple A plus for design, front and back.

  9. I agree, great front and back. great graphics.

  10. Nice postcard - and wonderful blog! I always enjoy bumping into other bloggers from Minnesota. (I live in St. Paul.)

    Used to have a small collection of postcards, and then sold most of them. You are inspiring me to start collecting again!
