Sunday, September 19, 2010

SS - Café Du Monde, New Orleans, Louisiana

The Café Du Monde calls itself the "Original French Market Coffee Stand." It was established in 1862 in the French Market of New Orleans. They used to advertise coffee and doughnuts. The postcard calls them Hot French doughnuts. Now they use the French name "beignets."

According to the Café Du Monde website, beignets are fried fritters that were brought to Louisiana by the Acadians. The beignet served today is "a square piece of dough, fried and covered with powdered sugar." The Café serves beignets in orders of three and also sells a beignet mix to make your own. Coffee is served either black or Au Lait (mixed half and half with hot milk).

Smorgasbord Sundays (SS)
restaurant and food postcards


  1. I fell in love with the beignets at Cafe Du Monde when I visited New Orleans about 15 years ago.

    For a while I had dreams of opening up a little coffee shop in Minnesota that sold hot beignets, just like those at Cafe Du Monde. I was sure I could make a fortune. :-)

  2. Oh, what I would give to have a fresh beignet and a cup of coffee. We used to have a Mom and Pop diner here that served what they called "scones" with breakfast. They weren't scone though, they were beignets, which are even better. Why do your posts always make me hungry?

  3. Now that you've made me simultaneously hungry and missing New Orleans... :)

    Beautiful card!
