Friday, February 18, 2011

Love Lights of Your Eyes and Songs

A couple of weeks ago I showed some postcards from the Lovelights series. This is a card that attracted me because of the reference to love lights. I figured love lights must have been a popular expression to have been used on this card. The expression seems easy enough to understand, but I couldn't find an actual definition of lovelight.

Since many of the expressions on old postcards were inspired by popular songs of the time, I searched for "lovelight 1909." The first thing I found was a cover of some sheet music offered for sale. This song was written by Williams and Van Alstyne, and was published by Jerome H. Remick & Co., New York, 1909. I couldn't find the words for this song, but I did find some other songs from the same time period that mentioned love lights.

The Lovelight Beaming From Your Eyes by Julian Edwards and Chas. J. Campbell was published in 1908 and includes these words:

Love light! love light!
Beaming from your eyes
Your lips! dear lips!
Breathing blissful sighs;

Can't you see I love you? is another song from 1908. This was written by Nat. D. Ayer and A. Seymour Brown. This is the chorus: Can't you see I love you? See the lovelight in my eyes!

Let Me Call You Sweetheart (1910) by Beth Slater Whitson and Leo Friedman includes the following chorus:

Let me call you “Sweetheart”
I’m in love with you
Let me hear you whisper
that you love me too
Keep the lovelight glowing
In your eyes so true
Let me call you “Sweetheart”
I’m in love with you.

Beth Slater Whitson and Leo Friedman also wrote the 1909 hit, Meet Me Tonight in Dreamland that includes these words:

Meet me tonight in Dreamland
Under the silv'ry moon
Meet me tonight in Dreamland
Where love's sweet roses bloom
Come with the love light gleaming
In your dear eyes of blue
Meet me in Dreamland,
Sweet Dreamy Dreamland
There let my dreams come true

There are also newer songs about love lights.

Here is Meet Me Tonight in Dreamland as sung by Judy Garland:


  1. Could it be the light of the moon??? Thank you for the suggestion of the book about Abe Lincoln. I had never heard of it!

    Thanks again, and happy PFF!

  2. The postcard shows a reverse metaphor: actual fishing to the right, figurative fishing to the left.
    So love light doesn't come from a "dark place", right? :)

  3. LOL. He looks like he's hooked already! Neat card - I always like the way the artists portrayed evening and night scenes.

  4. What a fun post! I really enjoy the *old* songs.

  5. He looks to be balanced rather precariously, great card. I don't recognise the July Garland film but she looks very young.

  6. Gee, romance was certainly in the air in those days. (And it was the subject of so many postcards!)

  7. I'm thinking of a song from the 1970's - Don't turn your lovelight out on me baby. Unfortunately I don't remember much more.

  8. Howdy
    Happy PFF :)
    Oh my what a gorgeous postcard.
    There were some songs in two old Doris Day movies that had the Phrase "Lovelight" in them.
    By The Light Of The Silvery Moon

    and On Moonlight Bay.
    Thank you for sharing such a fabulous postcard as well as post !
    Until Next Time
    Happy Trails

  9. and don't forget "Turn On Your Love Light" by the Grateful Dead!
    wonderful clip of Judy...
    happy PFF!

  10. I learn so much from you postcard folks. Thank you for such an informative post. I really enjoy the featured postcard itself, but I would not have even thought of looking up old-fashioned sheet music.

    Way cool, and thanks again!

