Saturday, May 28, 2011

Mary Cassatt Postage Stamp

This maximum card features a picture of the American artist Mary Cassatt at work on a painting along with the 23¢ stamp honoring her. This stamp was issued on November 4, 1988, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania as part of the Great American Series of definitive stamps. The 23¢ denomination met the second ounce letter rate for international surface mail.

Mary Cassatt studied art at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts but spent much of her life in France. She became friends with the painter Edgar Degas, who persuaded her to exhibit her paintings with the Impressionists. Many consider artist Mary Cassatt to be the greatest woman painter. She is especially known for domestic scenes with particular emphasis on the relationships between mothers and children.

The Cassatt painting on the left side of the maximum card picture is Mrs. Gardner Cassatt in Black from the Baltimore Museum of Art.

I am participating in Sunday Stamps at Viridian's Postcard Blog


  1. Fascinating post. You can see the impressionist link. I had not heard of her before - you are broading my education every week.

  2. im starting to feel really bad this many people ive never heard of :) but never too late to learn new thanks a lot for sharing this! It is a great post and she seems like a nice modest woman.

  3. She has a refreshingly different perspective on subjects. I like that series of stamps, so many different types people.

  4. Go, go, woman power!
    Thank you for introducing us to May Cassatt this week.

  5. between Mary Cassatt and Berthe Morisot, i say the impressionist period was great for women as art became less formal and allowed more freedom of expressions in the techniques and subjects.

    great find!!

  6. I love her work so the card and stamps seem very special to me. We just don't hear of the women Impressionists nearly enough.

  7. I'd never heard of Mary Cassatt so thanks for this great post and the video clip of her beautiful art.

  8. Very unique stamp. Her work is truly beautiful. And the vibrant colors I love. Thanks for the info.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Thank you for this nice info. I have a postcard featuring the paint of Edgar Degas.

    Here is my Sunday Stamp

  11. Coming in late at the end of the week end - my parents loved the impressionists so I have liked Cassatt's work for some time! thank you for participating!
