Thursday, May 26, 2011

Portrait Of A Young Girl With Chickens, Cats, & Dogs

This real photo postcard was sent from Manilla,Iowa on July 25, 1911 to the girl's brother in West Side, Iowa. I am not sure where the cats are. I can see a couple of things that may be cats, but it is hard to tell. The little flowers look too much like cats' eyes, and even one of dogs is hard to see against the ground. It wasn't until I read the message that I realized that there were supposed to be cats somewhere in the photo.
Dear Brother, I thought I would send you one of my ugly pictures. Well how are you getting along. I am fine and dandy. Hope the same from you. Say Albert when are you coming down to see me and I hope I will hear from you soon. From your sister Elnora(?) Hill and (?) This is the whole family Albert dogs cats chickens and me.

Visit Sepia Saturday for More Vintage Photos


  1. I'm sure a cat is in the middle-left of the picture. The dog lying on the ground looks just like a retriever that's tired out.

  2. What a shame that the young girl thought she was ugly. It sounds as though she was missing her big brother.

  3. That is such a sweet message; you could tell she missed her big brother -- I hope it was just a joke about being ugly -- maybe a joke between brother and sis!

    I've never seen a real-photo postcard -- seems like a great idea (even today).

  4. I got the impression that it was the card she thought ugly....maybe I am wrong.

  5. She said her picture was ugly. I don't think her picture is ugly, but I usually think pictures of me are ugly (even if I don't say so).

  6. She's adorable and it's an idyllic scene. I see one cat...

  7. I Love The Expression On Her Face! A Look Of Almost Triumph!

  8. Great post! The cat is out of shot on the left eating one of the chickens.

  9. What a great picture to send her brother! Not sure I see any cats there - perhaps it's dressed up as a chicken. That not the least bit ugly little girl with the twinkle in her eye is the only one paying attention to the camera. Perhaps the horse taking the picture forgot to tell them to say cheese. I don't think chickens can say cheese anyway.

  10. She must have dumped the feed right on her feet because they are sure crowded around her! Looks like a good story starter.

  11. A beautiful photo and note. The dog makes it special.

  12. Im just loving the passed out dog, with all the commotion around him he appears sound asleep.
