Saturday, July 16, 2011

Canadian & Swedish Bird Stamps - Capex '78

This postcard was issued in 1978 by the Swedish Postal Service to promote the CAPEX '78 International Stamp Exhibition in Canada. CAPEX stands for CAnadian Philatelic EXhibition. CAPEX '78 commemorated the centennial of Canada's entry into the Universal Postal Union.

At first, I thought that the Canadian and Swedish stamps pictured on this postcard looked like a joint issue showing the same bird. However, not only the birds, but also the issue dates, are different. The Canadian stamp shows Canadian Geese, while the Swedish stamp shows swans.

The back of this postcard gives the issue date for the Canadian stamp as 30 October 1963 and the issue date for the Swedish stamp as 5 September 1968. Although there is not a complete catalog of Swedish stamps online, the information I found does not support that issue date for the Swedish stamp. On a listing of Swedish bird stamps, this swan design was issued in 1942 and 1953. The 1953 issue is a booklet pair with one unperforated side like the picture on the postcard. Also a listing of 1968 Swedish stamps does not show this swan stamp.

For an illustrated listing of bird stamps by country, see the Birds of the World on Postage Stamps website.

I am participating in Sunday Stamps at Viridian's Postcard Blog


  1. The Canadian Geese appear on stamps from several countries.Interesting that both designs you show have chosen the same background colours.

  2. It can't be a complete coincidence though, surely. They look far too alike for that. Interesting.

  3. Canadian Geese are now here along the Detroit River shore to enjoy the summer. :)

    My SundayStamp:Birds

  4. Thank you for the link to the birds on Postage stamps website, and thanks ofr participating.

  5. hey??
    i have first issues of that event!!

  6. I like this simple, cool blue thingie...:)
