Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hello Pard!

This postcard is a studio photo of four friends or "pards" pretending to be hard drinking outlaws. It has a postmark from Spokane, Washington, but there is no year date on the card. The card has a typical postcard message beginning "Dear friend why don't you write once in a while. I rote one before and I did not get no answer." It was probably sent by one of the men in the photo but is unsigned.

The use of a 2-cent stamps suggests that it might have been mailed during World War I, when postcard postage rates were temporarily raised from 1-cent. However, it may have been sent earlier, because a newer stamp was issued in 1912.

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  1. I love this. What a riot! And the framed photo of the lovely young lady in the front just adds a little something special.

  2. A perfect link to Sepia Saturday’s prompt photo; well done. I love the whole scene and the notice saying “When you’re broke beat it”.

  3. This is a great take on the theme especially with the beer bottles so prominent.

  4. I just love cards with people dressed up and posing against fake backdrops....too much fun!

  5. I wonder if Fred Ever wrote back :)
    Great Picture.

  6. Oh this is just so very cool, what great pards they are too! You have aced this theme in one postcard! Thanks, they make my day!

  7. Fits in well with the original S S theme! lol

  8. Excellent match for the theme and it outdid my postcard featured this week, as mine is only from the 40"s.

  9. Great card! Do you think it might be taken at a carnival or boardwalk photo booth?

  10. Great card. I guess the chap on the right was given a kiddie's hat the way it's sat perched on his head.

  11. ... the "pin up" is great... compare what is posted in bars today! I love the "When your broke, beat it". Fun, fun - people still like doing these "dress-ups" today.

  12. I really like this picture! It's so...Tom Mix. Quite an elaborate setting with costumes and beer bottles. I didn't know about the raised postage for WWI! It seems 9 out of 10 postcards have that why didn't you write or I'll send you a long letter soon as part of the message.

  13. It's fun to think that dressing up as cowboys and getting your picture taken still survives. I see a booth every year at the fair. I guess dressing up in Louis the XIV just never caught on.

  14. Charming and funny too! I notice that he writes in pencil--and that the writing survived!

  15. What a funny photo. I find myself wondering how much of their clothing is their own and how much belongs to the photographer to set the stage for the photo.

  16. Love it. As for "when you're broke, beat it" : I will have that phrase carved on my gravestone.

  17. What A Great Idea! I Am Jealous ! I Would Love To Have My Photo Taken In Such A Setting!
