Saturday, October 1, 2011

Icelandic Stamps

Iceland is a European island country in the north Atlantic Ocean with a Norse heritage. From 1262 to 1918 Iceland was part of the Norwegian and later the Danish monarchies.

Iceland issues about 20 new stamps each year. These include Christmas and Europa issues, and sets depicting local scenery, flora, and fauna, as well as heritage and the works of local artists.

The above postcard is aimed at stamp collectors. The following is printed on the back (in three languages): "This card illustrates a selection of Icelandic stamps, which are of great variety. Their popularity among stamp-collectors is increasing." A variety of Icelandic stamps are illustrated on the postcard:
  • Row 1
    • National costume, 1965.
    • Surtsey is a volcanic island formed in a volcanic eruption which began below sea level, and reached the surface on November 14, 1963.
    • Geysir, 1947. The English word geyser (a spouting hot spring) derives from Geysir.
    • Eagle, 1966.
  • Row 2
    • Akureyri, 1963.
    • Map showing Reykjavík (capital and largest city) and Akureyri (in northern Iceland).
    • Surtsey April 1964. The eruption lasted until June 5, 1967.
  • Row 3
    • Freedom from hunger, 1963. Fishing.
    • Gyrfalcon, 1960.
    • Gullfoss, 1956.Gulfoss is a waterfall located in southwest Iceland.
    • The National Museum of Iceland, 1963.
  • Row 4
    • Flower, 1960.
    • Ponys, 1958. The Icelandic horse is a breed of small horse developed in Iceland. It is the only breed of horse in Iceland.
  • Row 5
    • Bessastaðir, 1957. Bessastaðir is the official residence of the President of Iceland
    • Iceland's Flag, 1958.
    • Flying Swans, 1956. Identical design issued by five Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.

More Information on Icelandic Stamps:

Iceland Post
Postage stamps and postal history of Iceland
Stamp Catalog List

I am participating in Sunday Stamps at Viridian's Postcard Blog


  1. Thanks for sharing this sheet of Icelandic stamps. It's always fun to learn something about a country thru stamps.

  2. Lovely post with engraved stamps, lots of info! Great! :)

  3. Beautiful stamps! I've learned a lot from your post. :)

  4. That's a great souvenir sheet! I echo their comments - stamp collecting is a fun way to learn!

    Postcards Crossing

  5. An interesting way to show the essence of a country's stamps. Makes me wonder how other countries choice would be. I always think of the iconic little horse in connection with Icelandic stamps.

  6. As I have quite a few Icelandic stamps it was interesting to see this sheet. I can match the Gullfoss stamp in Row 3, both stamps inRow 4 and the Iceland Flag in Row 5.
    The colours on your sheet have either faded a lot or have not scanned well. I find it's a tricky balance in mantaining the colour when scanning any stamps/

  7. I think Postcardy said this is a postcard not a sheet. Depending on the printing it could fade.
    Postcardy you seem to have a great collection of this kind of postcard - those that feature stamps.
    thanks for participating.

  8. It's a lovely postcard and a good idea to showcase the stamps that way.

  9. I love postcards like this but I rarely see them.

  10. have they made one about those volcanic eruptions they've had lately?... that sure made the news as it stopped air traffic over europe for while, twice!!!

  11. I don't think my postcard looks faded. Maybe the colors on the postcard were made lighter and brighter to look more appealing. I don't have any of the actual stamps that are pictured.
