Monday, October 3, 2011

Jay Cooke State Park, Minnesota

This postcard has a map of Jay Cooke State Park in northern Minnesota. Since this card is circa 1964, there probably have been some changes. The small pictures on the map show the Rivier Inn Shelter and Refectory, the Swinging Bridge, and the Oldenburg Point Overlook. The St. Louis River runs through the park.

The following information is from the back of the card:
Area 8,920.2 acres. Jay Cooke was established as a State Park in 1915 and it is the third largest state park in Minnesota. The terrain of the area is spectacular with rugged slopes from the shore of ancient Lake Duluth to the preseent river bed. The St. Louis River runs through a picturesque gorge of basaltic rock formations. The glacial drift which mantles portions of the rock is covered with mixed deciduous and coniferous plant life.

This is the time of the year for spectacular fall color. Here is the current Fall Color Report (September 29) from the DNR park website:
Where to go: With the warmer daytime temperatures, the trees are quickly turning color. There are lots of yellows in the basswoods, ashes and aspens, with more red or orange appearing throughout the park. This week-end should be great for fall color viewing.

What you'll see: Stop at the Swinging Bridge for some close-up views of the rapids. And take the short walk out to Oldenburg Point to see a panoramic view of the river valley.

If you can't get there in person, you can enjoy a 2010 fall drive through Jay Cooke State Park in this video.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the best destinations to go on bike trailing not to mention the colorful view.
