Tuesday, December 31, 2013

С НОВЫМ ГОДОМ! -- Happy New Year

Let's START (СТАРТ) the New Year with Misha, the Russian Bear mascot of the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games. You can see the Olympic rings on the belt he is wearing in this picture. According to Wikipedia:
In Russian, Misha is a short form for the Russian male name Mikhail (Michael), and Mishka is a diminutive of Misha.This name, in any of its forms, is a common colloquialism in Russian for a bear, because it is similar to the standard name for bear медведь (medved). Also, most anthropomorphic bears in Russian fairy tales have this name. It is thought to originate as euphemism for medved, which was tabooed because of magical thinking that letting out the "true name" of the dangerous animal may cause it to come and attack.
 This is a 1979 Soviet New Year postcard (postal card). The back has preprinted postage and artwork by a young child.

Friday, December 27, 2013

С НОВЫМ ГОДОМ! -- Happy New Year from Space

The International Space Station has been in the news a lot this week. International Space Station Expedition 38 Commander Oleg Kotov and Flight Engineer Sergey Ryazanskiy of the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) began a planned 7-hour spacewalk from the Earth-facing Pirs Docking Compartment at 8 a.m. EST today.

This postcard is a Soviet Russian New Year postcard from 1981. It has an artist's conception of a young astronaut and a rabbit companion delivering New Year greetings from space.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

December 25 Christmas Day

I thought the handwritten message on the back of this Christmas postcard was very strange--until I discovered that it was part of a toast that appeared in some early 20th century books:
Compel me not to toe the mark,
Be ever prim and true,
But rather let me do those things
That I ought not to do.

It's Christmas Day!
Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Frohe Weihnachten

This is a postcard that I just received from Postcrossing. The sender wrote:
I'd like to introduce you to German holiday greetings. "Merry Christmas" is "Frohe Weihnachten" as you can read in front. The text is a very famous German Christmas poem. It get a little bit more interesting when it comes to the New Year. We don't usually say "Frohes neues Jahr" (meaning Happy New Year) until the new year has actually come. Before we say "Guten Rutsch (ins neue Jahr)" meaning Good slide (into the new year).
This poem was written by Theodor Storm and first published in 1862. Saint Nikolaus’s best known companion is Knecht Ruprecht. ‘Knecht’ meaning ‘servant’. Historically Ruprecht was a dark sinister figure clad in a tattered robe with a big sack on his back in which, legend has it, he will place all naughty children. In Storm’s poem, Knecht Ruprecht is featured with a cane with which to chastise such children. (source: http://www.theodorstorm.co.uk/Life/knechtRuprecht.htm).

Knecht Ruprecht

Von drauß' vom Wald komm ich her; From out the forest I now appear,
ich muss euch sagen, es weihnachtet sehr! To proclaim that Christmastide is here!
Allüberall auf den Tannenspitzen For at the top of every tree
sah ich goldene Lichtlein sitzen; are golden lights for all to see;
und droben aus dem Himmelstor and there from Heaven’s gate on high
sah mit großen Augen das Christkind hervor.

I saw our Christ-child in the sky.
Und wie ich so strolcht' durch den finstern Tann,  And in among the darkened trees,
da rief's mich mit heller Stimme an: a loud voice it was that called to me:
"Knecht Ruprecht", rief es, "alter Gesell, ‘Knecht Ruprecht, old fellow,’ it cried,
hebe die Beine und spute dich schnell! ‘hurry now, make haste, don’t hide!
Die Kerzen fangen zu brennen an, All the candles have now been lit --
das Himmelstor ist aufgetan.

Heaven’s gate has opened wide!
Alt' und Junge sollen nun Both young and old should now have rest
von der Jagd des Lebens einmal ruhn; away from cares and daily stress;
und morgen flieg ich hinab zur Erden; and when tomorrow to earth I fly
denn es soll wieder Weihnachten werden!"

“it’s Christmas again!” will be the cry.’
Ich sprach: "O lieber Herre Christ, And then I said: ‘O Lord so dear.
meine Reise fast zu Ende ist; My journey’s end is now quite near;
ich soll nur noch in diese Stadt, but to this town* I’ve still to go,
wo's eitel gute Kinder hat."

Where the children are good, I know.’
“Hast denn das Säcklein auch bei dir?" ‘But have you then that great sack?’
Ich sprach: "Das Säcklein, das ist hier:  ‘I have,’ I said, ‘it’s on my back.
Denn Äpfel, Nuss und Mandelkern For apples, almonds, fruit and nuts
essen fromme Kinder gern."

For God-fearing children are a must.’
"Hast denn die Rute auch bei dir?" ‘And is that cane there by your side?’
Ich sprach: "Die Rute, die ist hier; ‘The cane’s there too,’ I did reply;
doch für die Kinder nur, die schlechten, but only for those, those naughty ones,
die trifft sie auf den Teil, den rechten.’   who have it applied to their backsides.’
Christkindlein sprach: "So ist es recht! The Christ-child spoke: ‘Then that’s all right!
So geh mit Gott, mein treuer Knecht!"

My loyal servant, go with God this night!’
Von drauß' vom Walde komm ich her; From out the forest I now appear;
ich muss euch sagen, es weihnachtet sehr! To proclaim that Christmastide is here!
Nun sprecht, wie ich's hier drinnen find! Now speak, what is there here to be had?
Sind's gute Kind sind's böse Kind?

Are there good children, are there bad?

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Best Present: December 1909

This is an undivided back advertising postcard for THE CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK of Saint Paul, Minnesota. It has a December 1909 calendar, a Christmas theme, and a bank-related message:
The Best Present
The wisest Christmas gift you can make the youngster is to open an account for him by depositing a suitable sum in our bank.
Present him with the deposit-book, and watch him add to the account.
There is an education in it for him, as the interest grows, and the principal accumulates , he learns the true value of money and the supreme importance of saving.
Most rich men of today were taught the saving habit in youth.

The saving habit is still wise for anyone, but I wish the part about the growing interest were still true!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Santa Claus Fantasies

The 1984 contemporary U. S. Christmas stamp was issued in Jamaica, New York, home of Danny LaBoccetta, one of the winners in the first nationwide student stamp design project sponsored by the US Postal Service in 1982. LaBoccetta was eight years old and a third-grade student when he executed his design featuring a cheerful Santa Claus with a sack of toys. (source: http://arago.si.edu/index.asp?con=1&cmd=1&mode=1&tid=2038755&)

This is a post for Sunday Stamps at Viridian's Postcard Blog

Friday, December 20, 2013

Santa's Phone Call

I bet Little Louise was really excited when she received this postcard in 1909. Her Aunt wrote that she would be coming to see her Christmas and would be bringing Santa with her.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Minneapolis Municipal Christmas Tree 1913


This postcard is a photo of the 1913 Minneapolis Municipal Christmas Tree. The postcard was made by H. E. Fister, whose name and address is embossed in the top right corner.


This was the first municipal Christmas tree in Minneapolis. It was placed outdoors in Gateway Park in downtown Minneapolis. The T. K. Gray Drug Co., seen behind the tree on the left, was located on Hennepin Avenue between First and Second Streets. The tree was decorated with toys, over 2500 lights, and topped by a great star. The formal dedication of the tree took place on Christmas Eve, and there was a special service on Christmas morning. The tree drew large crowds with a series of eight evening programs of vocal and instrumental music.

It was expected that many more municipal trees would follow in subsequent years. Mild weather prevailed in 1913 which allowed the festivities to be held outdoors. The 1914 municipal tree, the second and apparently the last, was indoors at the Arcadia roller skating rink opposite City Hall on Fifth Street.

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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmas Stamps 1978 & 1979

This postcard has an odd combination of stamps and cancels. The stamp that was placed on the picture is a 1978 Christmas stamp. The stamp on the bottom in the white area is a 1979 Christmas stamp with an official First Day of Issue cancellation. I am guessing that a 1979 maximum card was made first, and the 1978 stamp was added later with an unofficial cachet commemorating the visit of Pope John Paul II to Washington, D. C. Both stamps were rather sloppily applied, with the 1979 stamp being damaged before it was cancelled.

The 1978 Christmas stamp has an image of  "Madonna and Child with Cherubim," c. 1485,  by Andrea della Robbia. This is one of the few Christmas issues reproduced from a sculpture. The original is  glazed terracotta and is in the Andrew W. Mellon Collection, National Gallery of Art.

The 1979 Christmas stamp has a simplified detail from a painting by late 15th and early 16th century Netherlandish painter Gerard David. The original painting titled "The Rest on the Flight into Egypt" is also in the Andrew W. Mellon Collection, National Gallery of Art.

This is a post for Sunday Stamps at Viridian's Postcard Blog

Santa Claus Has Arrived

I was originally attracted to this postcard by the picture of the children playing in the snow. I was really impressed when I turned it over and saw the message on the back:
Toys! Toys!
Santa Claus has arrived at Searles Mer Co
Call & See Him!

The card is postmarked and mailed to New Brighton, Minnesota in 1912. New Brighton is a suburb a few miles from where I live. The only parts of it that I have seen look like a typical modern suburb, so I was really surprised to see that they even had a store there 100 years ago. I discovered that New Brighton was quite busy back then. A settlement that included a general store, school and mission church was established there in 1858 (the same year that Minnesota became the 32nd state). When the Village of New Brighton was incorporated in 1891, fourteen passengers trains passed daily. You can read New Brighton's history here.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Peacock, Michigan

This postcard is a photo of Peacock, Michigan circa 1908-1909.  At that time, there was a north-south railway (Pere Marquette) and an east-west railway (Manistee & Grand Rapids) junction in Peacock. I believe that is what is shown by the crossed tracks in the foreground.

Peacock was named for David J. Peacock who became its first postmaster in April 1897. The Peacock post office was discontinued in January 1943. The postcard has a JAN 18 1909 Peacock Mich. postmark and was mailed to Mrs. Minnie McCloud of Cedar Rapid, Iowa with the following message:
Jan 17 1909
Dear Sister I am sending you the picture of the City of Peacock. What do you think of it. I think it is a nice place. How is every thing out there. How is ...??
John Stotler

Below is an enlarged detail from the postcard. It is apparent that there is a  store in the background, but its name is hidden by a semaphore.

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Freedom for Nelson Mandela

Leeds Postcards: Freedom for Nelson Mandela by Ken Sprague

Nelson Mandela (18 July 1918 – 5 December 2013) was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician, and philanthropist. He was active in the African National Congress (ANC) campaign against the apartheid government which led to his arrest in 1962. Mandela was convicted of conspiracy to overthrow the state, and sentenced to life imprisonment. He served over 27 years in prison. An international campaign lobbied for his release. He was released from prison in 1990 and joined negotiations with President F. W. de Klerk to abolish apartheid and establish multiracial elections. In 1994, Mandela led the ANC to victory and became South Africa's first black president. He served as President from 1994 to 1999. (source: Wikipedia)
Leeds Postcards is an independent postcard press that has been publishing  postcards since 1979 which are "oppositional, activist, feminist, challenging, a voice for the oppressed, impressed, or simply pressed." I like this quote from the Leeds Postcards website: "We can't just have the internet! Postcards are Forever."

Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Road-Winter by Currier & Ives

A 10-cent Currier and Ives Christmas stamp was one of three holiday stamps issued by the United States Postal Service in 1974. The stamp is based on a Currier and Ives print entitled "The Road-Winter." Here it is on a Colorano Silk maximum card.

Currier and Ives was a American printmaking firm based in New York City from 1834–1907. It was headed by Nathaniel Currier (1813–1888) and James Merritt Ives (1824–1895).  The company produced many hand colored black and white lithographs based on paintings by fine artists. Lithographic prints could be reproduced quickly and inexpensively. The prints were advertised as "colored engravings for the people." (source: Wikipedia)

The postcard below is a reproduction of "The Road-Winter" from an original Currier and Ives print. This postcard was published by Hallmark.

This is a post for Sunday Stamps at Viridian's Postcard Blog

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Aprons & Apple Butter

The subject of my postcard is "Cooking Apple Butter in Pennsylvania." I bought this card mainly because of the aprons. The postcard was published in 1955. The back has the following description:
In Pennsylvania, the cooking of apple butter is done in large fireplaces, either oudoors or in "summer houses". The women are expert in the combining of snitzed apples, spices, and cider to produce the tasty, dark applebutter eaten on bread or mixed with "smearkase".
Snitzed apples are sliced apples. Smearkase is the Pennsylvania Dutch name for cottage cheese.

The first video shows an apple butter being made the old fashioned way outdoors over a fire in a large copper kettle.

The second video is about vintage aprons. I have several vintage aprons that I have bought in thrift stores. I love the look of old aprons, though I never actually wear them. A few years ago, I even bought a pattern for sewing an apron similar to the style shown on the postcard. I was thinking of making some aprons for Christmas presents, but changed my mind. I doubt that I will ever get around to using that pattern.

Visit Sepia Saturday
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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving Fowl Ups


These are some of my most amusing and creative Thanksgiving postcards. Each card depicts some kind of "fowl up". They are published by The Pink of Perfection and are from Series No 430. There is an artist signature consisting of an uppercase "N" with one or two dots.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Elvis Stamp Ballot

In 1992 postcard ballots were distributed for the American public to vote on two different designs for a 29¢ stamp honoring Elvis Presley. The choice was between two portraits, a "young Elvis" (A) and an "old Elvis" (B).

The "young Elvis" artwork (airbrush and acrylic on board) was by artist Mark Stutzman.

source: Art of the Stamp

The "old Elvis" artwork (oil on board) was by artist John Berkey.

source: Art of the Stamp
The "young Elvis" received the most votes and was used for the Elvis stamp. In 1993, the Elvis stamp was issued both as a single and as part of the American Music Series Issues featuring legendary Rock & Roll performers Bill Haley, Buddy Holly, Clyde McPhatter, Elvis Presley, Otis Redding, Ritchie Valens, and Dinah Washington. The single stamp had Elvis' first name only (as shown on the ballot). The stamp that was issued along with the other performers used both first and last names.


This is a post for Sunday Stamps at Viridian's Postcard Blog

Thursday, November 21, 2013

John F. Kennedy Assassination & Grave

President Kennedy's Assassination Site
Dallas, Texas
Friday November 22, 1963, the entire world was stunned when President John F. Kennedy was struck by two bullets from the sixth floor window of the Texas School Book Depository Building, allegedly by Lee Harvey Oswald. Mrs. Kennedy, who was riding with her husband, was not shot. Governor John B. Connally of Texas, riding in the jump seat in front of the President, was severely wounded.

Grave of John F. Kennedy
35th President of the United States
Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.

Located near the Custis Lee Mansion overlooking Washington, D.C. is the grave site. Here burns the eternal flame, which was lighted during the burial service. Two of the Kennedy Children are also buried here.

Above are two postcards, along with copies of the descriptions on the back of the cards. The two Kennedy children mentioned were Patrick Bouvier Kennedy who died two days after his premature birth in August 1963 and "Arabella" who was stillborn in 1956. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was buried at the site alongside her husband following her death in May 1994.

The video below shows the visit by the Obamas and Clintons to the grave site on November 20, 2013 to place a wreath of white flowers.

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Friday, November 15, 2013

Good Cheer for a Joyous Thanksgiving

I was born on Thanksgiving, so Thanksgiving postcards are a natural topic for me to collect. I have a large collection of Thanksgiving children on postcards that I started about 30 years ago. Not only did it become hard to find ones that I didn't already have, but I also am much older now. A couple of years ago I started collecting Thanksgiving postcards featuring adults, especially women. That collection is small and probably will remain so.

These are two of my favorite Thanksgiving postcards with women. They are Printed in Saxony and are numbered 0690 on the back. Both cards have handwriting on the back: "Albany Ore / Nov 29 1911." One is addressed to Granma and the other to Granpa.