Saturday, August 23, 2014

USSR Postage Stamps

click image to enlarge

This postcard features a variety of stamps from the Soviet Union. I only tried to identify a few of the stamps. In the center is a stamp from a 1954 agriculture set. The bright red stamps just to the left and right of center are from a 1977 October revolution set. In the bottom left corner (upside down) is a 1976 Innsbruck Winter Olympics stamp. In the center of the right side is a stamp from a 1977 postal service set (I featured the postal service set in a previous post History of USSR Mail on Stamps).

Here  is a brief video about a Russian philatelist and his collection. I enjoyed watching it even though it is in the Russian language, and I didn't understand anything he said.

This is a post for Sunday Stamps at Viridian's Postcard Blog


  1. What a great postcard. I do remember your you posted that postal stamp. Thank you for participating.

  2. The video gave me the impression that he has been collecting for awhile.

    1. The description on YouTube says 55 years.

    2. I have collected stamps intermittently for 60 years but will never match what he has shown.

  3. I search your postcards like this every time in the hope I may find a stamp I have. No luck again this time.

  4. The collector has some wonderful stamps, really beautiful. And so many!
