Friday, April 8, 2011

Vintage Easter Bunny Postcards Video

My favorite Easter postcards are the ones depicting anthropomorphic rabbits. These aren't the kind of bunnies you find at pet stores. These rabbits are the ones that decorate and deliver Easter eggs. They live in a fantasy world where they often dress like humans and engage in human activities.

I hope you enjoy this Vintage Easter Bunny Postcards video I made with postcards from my collection.


  1. Amazing collection. The bunnies on the bikes is the best...maybe. Bunnies playing tennis is also great. I have about 800 Easter cards, and I only saw two in your collection that I also have. What a great variety of designs.

  2. LOVE the video...the postcard is spooky! that rabbit has alien eyes...!!

  3. that rabbit is a little freaky looking if you ask me! I guess I prefer pet store bunnies. :)

  4. Loved your video slide show of some of your Easter postcards. Absolutely splendid. Thanks you much.

  5. Great slideshow. Curious how these postcards nearly always wished people a "joyous" easter, but only occasionally "happy" and never, as far as I can tell "merry".

  6. There is definitely something weird about the artist rabbit. I wouldn't dare call it a bunny.

  7. wonderful to see all of your vintage easter bunnies ... lots of fun! Happy PFF!

  8. Great video. And that artist rabbit looks truly maniacal!

  9. It was a pleasure to watch your video. Thank-you.

  10. Great little video that you put together!

  11. The artist rabbit looks like he has spectacles on - that may add to his 'strange' look. Interesting postcard to be sure!

  12. What a fantastic Easter bunnies collection! I especially love the bunnies playing tennis (as I am a huge tennis fan). I do not have any bunny cards in my collection yet.

    Postcards Crossing

  13. that's a cute card...that rabbit must be really good with painting, i can see it! nice video! -Postcrossing Mom


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