My choice of the above 1907 "Peek-A-Boo" postcard for Sepia Saturday 128 was prompted by a sheet music cover of "I Can't Get Enough Of Your Love" featuring Sophie Tucker posing with a chair. According to the cover of Sophie Tucker's song, that song was one of the first big hits of 1913. I think the model on the postcard even looks a bit like Sophie Tucker.
Some early 1900s comic postcards were based on the same themes as the music that was popular at the time. Therefore, I decided to see if there were any Peek-A-Boo songs published around the same time in the early 1900s. I found several songs along with images of the sheet music covers.
The first cover, for the song titled simply Peek-A-Boo, is my favorite. This image is from the Minnesota Historical Society. The music and words are also shown for this song here. The words are by Chas. S. Finley and the music by A.M. Budke. It was published by St. Paul Music Pub. Co., c1909.
Some early 1900s comic postcards were based on the same themes as the music that was popular at the time. Therefore, I decided to see if there were any Peek-A-Boo songs published around the same time in the early 1900s. I found several songs along with images of the sheet music covers.
The first cover, for the song titled simply Peek-A-Boo, is my favorite. This image is from the Minnesota Historical Society. The music and words are also shown for this song here. The words are by Chas. S. Finley and the music by A.M. Budke. It was published by St. Paul Music Pub. Co., c1909.
The cover for "When the Moon Plays Peek-A-Boo" was found on eBay. Actually I saw six different versions of this cover there with the same background design but different inset photos. This song was written by W.R. Williams and published 1907 by Will Rossiter Music Publisher of Chicago.

The cover for "Peek-A-Boo Rag" was also found on eBay. That Rag was by Charles L. Johnson, and was published in 1914 by F.J.A. Forster Music Publisher of Chicago. Music and audio of "Peek-A-Boo Rag" and other amusingly named Rags can be found on Rag's Rags.