28 minutes ago
My blog is about postcards, postcard collecting, my postcard collection, and my "vintage thingies."
The Burlington presents the VISTA DOME, an entirely new idea in train travel. In this new type car, 24 passengers are seated in the Vista Dome, a laminated, heat and ray-resisting glass penthouse, replacing a section of the roof and providing an unobstructed view in all directions. Modern air-conditioning affords complete comfort. Burlington is building a fleet of these cars for the enjoyment of its patrons.The ad below is from Popular Mechanics of September 1945 (source: Wikipedia)
Hermann (Arminius), a Cheruscan chieftain, spearheaded the struggle to defend German tribes against a Roman imperial army. In time the Hermann story became a legend and Hermann a symbol of strength and unity in preserving freedom.The monument's cornerstone was laid in 1888. The statue was created in Ohio and shipped to New Ulm. It arrived in 1890 and was dedicated in 1897. Structural and cosmetic restoration projects were carried out in 1998 and again in 2004. (source: Wikipedia)
The story of the Roman legions’ first major defeat unfolds in the forests of north-central Europe at the time of Christ. In autumn of A.D. 9 a coalition of German tribes under Hermann ambushed three Roman legions commanded by Qunctilius Varus. The defeat caused Caesar Augustus and his successors to forego conquering Central Europe. A new imperial policy changed European history. The people of Central Europe developed independent of Roman Rule.
Today, on Grotenberg Mountain, a high hill near the German city of Detmold, a colossal statue of Hermann memorializes the event. A similar but unique monument in New Ulm, Minnesota, has come to represent the contributions of Americans of German heritage, the largest ethnic group to emigrate from Europe to the United States.
Dear SisterThe A.E.F. initials at the end of the message stand for American Expeditionary Forces, the United States Armed Forces sent to Europe in World War I. Soldiers Mail is written at top right on the postcard. The postmark over that is indistinct, but I can tell that it says Army Post Office and appears to be dated 8. 10 (October 10?) In the center of the postcard is a stamp that says EXAMINED by No. 26. AT the bottom left of the card is a BASE CENSOR stamp with an American Eagle in its center.
Will send you a card that I am coming along fine. the weather is damp & cold but we got a fair place at present. how is every thing out their hope fine wrote you a letter few days ago received one yesterday also one from M.(?) I think you be picking corn (?) when this card gets their.
Priv. Al...A.E.F.
The new surface cars now so numerous on Broadway were first introduced in 1914. The central portion of the cars is built close to the ground and the doors are in the center of the car, the steps being only about 6 inches from the ground.The hobble skirt cars got their name from the women's fashion of hobble skirts, skirts with narrow hems that made it difficult for the wearer to climb into a streetcar. The low floors on the hobble skirt cars made it easier to enter the streetcar.