More Views of the Lookout Mountain Incline
11 hours ago
My blog is about postcards, postcard collecting, my postcard collection, and my "vintage thingies."
FREE TRIAL OFFER!This is a postcard that I just had to buy because it matches my memories so well. The washer and dryer appear to be the same ones that my family had. Our washer was bought about 1952 and the dryer in 1954. The woman reminds me a lot of my mother, who had a similar shade of dark red hair. Even the flower arrangement fits. Next to our machines were big laundry tubs that were used when preparing flower arrangements.The only things that don't match are the knotty pine walls and blue tile floor. Our laundry facilities were in an unfinished gray basement.
Now you can actually use the famous Whirlpool Automatic Washer in your own home for 10 days . . . and it won't cost you a cent! Yes, we'll install it absolutely free because we want you to experience the thrill of workless, enjoyable washdays.